We offer a wide range of services and solutions for what to do with your loved ones ashes.
First off, the simplistic options. We can help arrange for your loved one's ashes to be buried in a location of your choosing. We can also facilitate the ashes to be placed into a Columbarium. A Columbarium is a beautiful and peaceful building or structure that houses the ashes of loved ones. This is similar to a burial, however, can be exhumed at any point with less hassle. This monument is visitable at any point.
The Tree Of Life
We offer the ability to have your loved one's ashes inserted into a biodegradable urn which will then grow a tree, allowing friends and family to remember your loved one for eternity.

At Sea
We have the ability to place your loved one's ashes in a biodegradable container, so you can put your loved one to rest at sea or makes for a beautiful environmentally friendly way to bury the ashes of a loved one.

Diamonds Are Forever
We are one of the very few funeral directors that offer this wonderful service. We have partnered with Heart In Diamond, a company which convert your loved one's ashes into a diamond and can even set it in a piece of jewellery for you. Furthermore, we organise all the logistics and clearance to send the ashes overseas to their company’s head office, where the magic happens.